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--- Quote from: Rick Law on April 15, 2024, 06:33:25 pm ---
--- Quote from: Marco on April 14, 2024, 04:54:38 pm ---If you don't mind the kV voltages and obliterating some long wave spectrum capacitive could be doable.

Roads are expensive, electronics are cheap. Some metal film below the road surface and some electronics every 10+ meter will hardly make a dent on road costs. It's the Litz coils which make wireless charging roads expensive.

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Don't forget the maintained cost, both in dollar terms and in pollution.  Digging up the highway to do any electronics/electrical repair is not going to be cheap.  The cost goes up significantly in heavily traveled road.

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Yes, but that makes money circulate. :popcorn:


--- Quote from: Rick Law on April 15, 2024, 06:33:25 pm ---Don't forget the maintained cost, both in dollar terms and in pollution.  Digging up the highway to do any electronics/electrical repair is not going to be cheap.  The cost goes up significantly in heavily traveled road.

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We have a lot of intentionally porous asfalt here, needs to be resurfaced every 10-15 years any way.

After surface grinding, grind some parts a little deeper to embed the foil and cables.


--- Quote from: SiliconWizard on April 07, 2024, 09:59:50 pm ---There's a truckload of money to be made there as long as you have low ethics.

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--- Quote from: mariush on April 13, 2024, 03:12:54 pm ---Billing for the electricity could be an issue, but I suppose some kind of black box could log when truck starts charging and how much it takes in and send info by sms/internet to the company that manages the particular segment of power lines... you'd have to trust nobody hacks those devices (or maybe random weight  scale places could also access the black box and check i guess, or put cameras on poles and have the black box in truck broadcast an ID to pair the photo with a black box id - any truck that pulls power and broadcasts no id means stealing electricity)

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The simple solution is to only put up the lines above a toll road.


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