Hey All,
I'm Matt from Breadboard Killer. I noticed this thread and figured I'd poke my head in and fill you in on what's happening with BBK.
First, the website is now live. Registration and ordering are all online. I recently spent an inordinate amount of time rewriting the webpage. I always thought the automated upload thing on OshPark's site was cool so I've coded up something similar for Breadboard Killer. You can now upload design files to the site, it will process the gerbers in the backend (using GerbV) and show you renderings of each layer and the front and back of the PCB.
As for your question Steve W, our boards are made in China. I'd love to have them made here but until more people start using the service and I can offset the cost by batching orders together (if people are interested in that) it's not going to be a reality unfortunately.
Anyway, if anyone has any other questions about the site please feel free to ask!