Hey folks,
Doing a 24V->5V DC buck converter using the AOZ products, specifically the AOZ2153EQI-30 chip. A 3x3 QFN, that can handle 8A power output. The design seemed easy enough, and I managed to get some boards printed out at oshpark. I've been struggling to get the second revision of the board to work. The symptom is that I get a slow rise of output voltage - over many seconds - to about 1.3V. The Vcc on the chip never produces any voltage. A load connected causes the output voltage to collapse to 0. Basically I think the output cap is being charged somehow, and essentially I'm just seeing leakage of some sort?
The chip specs just seem so easy, and although this is my first design, I have a science background and have successfully built 2400 LED/600 watt medium scale projects before.
I've included my schematic, and an image of the board layout.
Any suggestions?
ETA: as a side note, I've been doing my reflow via hot plate. It's very possible I've exceeded the heat recommendation, but also I've been informed that these packages are more durable than it seems. I've decided to get a reflow oven - the chinese $200 specials because I'm also teaching a SMD class to high schoolers and I've already burnt my FR4 boards and I don't need that smell and nonsense in the future.