Author Topic: Cadence Capture 17.2 - Purging blank/duplicate property columns?  (Read 644 times)

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Offline UkyTopic starter

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Greetings forum.

Using 17.20, I am working on a design that uses schematic symbols copied from various sources. When examining the structure (Select "All" - Right click) - there are a lot of property fields that are either empty or with similar names, such as "MFR" and "Manufacturer". These are not the built-in ones that comes with a new/blank project start but has been added from previous designers that uses the CIS-option.

The examples above are not the only ones. There are "a lot" more duplicates...

When trying to delete these empty columns, I get an error message that basicallys says that the property cannot be deleted because it exists in some of the (schematic) symbols themselves.

Now - Is there a way to select and purge these columns?


Offline AndyC_772

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Re: Cadence Capture 17.2 - Purging blank/duplicate property columns?
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2022, 02:47:56 pm »
I usually get this error, but it does delete the row anyway. I always assumed it was just a minor bug.

(Using 17.4, but IIRC it was just the same in 16.6 and probably earlier versions too).

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