Author Topic: Can anyone help me with a Molex camera socket package in Eagle?  (Read 2014 times)

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Offline jdraughnTopic starter

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Hi all, I have never asked for help in the past with Eagle library's. I have always searched on the internet and found tutorials and always been OK, but I am having a heck of a time with creating the package for this camera socket.

The thing that is throwing me off are the corners and the inside curve. I can create an arc with a radius of 1 like it says in the datasheet, but I am having trouble aligning it to the outside of the corners.  It's a little hard to explain exactly. This is by far the hardest package I have had to create in Eagle (but I haven't created THAT many, maybe 20 or so).

I can create the Symbol, and the Device from the combined Symbol and Package, I just need some help with the Package part.  I am thinking of creating my own breakout board for that $180.00 Flir sensor.  I figure it will pay for it self easily in just a few months by allowing me to see where all my heat or cold is going in my house.


Offline H.O

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Re: Can anyone help me with a Molex camera socket package in Eagle?
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2015, 07:28:19 pm »
I'm not sure what radius you're talking about or what the problem is with the corners but I had a go at creating the footprint. I donät know if it's up to your expectations but here it is. The datasheet for the socket doesn't say anything about the pin numbering so it's "all over the place", you'll need to renumber them all to your specs.

Library contains a single package, nothing else and I just now created it so you really need to double check it!

Offline kizzap

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Re: Can anyone help me with a Molex camera socket package in Eagle?
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2015, 10:04:30 pm »
if you are referencing the external corner rounding, tbh, I wouldn'b bother. draw your outline as a box, because either way the exposed pads are going to be outside that. make sure you add a keepout box as well and all should be good. :-+
<MatCat> The thing with aircraft is murphy loves to hang out with them
<Baljem> hey, you're the one who apparently pronounces FPGA 'fuhpugger'

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