Yes flux is the key, I always thought soldermask is for cosmetic purpose and helps prevent bridging during automated soldering.
The liquid solder mask from those Chinese vendors probably a copy of Japanese Taiyo. They work but technique need to be right. It has to be spread very thin otherwise it will not set regardless of the UV exposure times. And you will need to oven it. Experiment to find the right formula. I have a two year old tube stored in a dark bag in my fridge it still works. This type of mask dries matte instead of shiny. Appearance is similar to some of those CRT mainboard made in the 90s.
Theres a gentleman from Czech Republic on eBay he's selling dry type soldermask and also photoresist, I use them all its pretty good. Yes dry soldermask is not cheap, and they have a shelf life so don't buy too many at one time.