Hmm, do you know you need that schottky? It's slightly lower voltage drop than the body diode(s), but it's also just one, there's no heat spreading... not that there's going to be perfect current sharing between body diodes either, but I wouldn't expect to rely on either for most operation. Surely this will be driven full-wave, sync rect is for free?
TVSs in those locations would be a good alternative to TVSs between rails, that's why I asked diode or TVS...
Note that, aside from if you're strapped for space overall, the individual legs don't need to be crammed together, they can be spaced out quite a bit. Limited only by lateral current capacity, and you could surface-mount some bus bar onto the board, or use more terminals and screw some down, etc. The layout could alternate TVS/leg/TVS all the way across (one TVS will serve for two legs).
1000uF, sounds very, very small... I would think more like 10 of those per position, if you're going for bypassing, and of the lowest ESR you can find. Maybe less if polymer (but that'll get pretty expensive?) (In which case, TVSs shouldn't be necessary, unless you have an overvoltage condition to also protect against, say under load dump or regenerative braking.)
I would want to know more about the power source, and wiring, to make a decision there. Also, this was only supposed to be slow switching, not PWM, right? You still need to prepare for switching, at least once, at all; doing it repetitively is just a matter of losses, which is all that can be saved in that case.