thanks for the reply! the link you posted is broken. I used a resistor calculator to figure out the resistor value, so it was my best guess. If I remove the 1k resistor, will that provide enough current for both leds? the data sheet says it's rated for 3A pulses, how long is a pulse? the minimum on time for the relays will be .25 seconds, at most they will be on for 2 seconds. I am using talon ignitors, and while using a 12v battery and a regular em relay, .25 seconds was the minimum amount of on time to light the fuse I found. the data sheet also states the min voltage on input is 1.7V I think, or something like that, is that something the RPi can handle, or is it just because I have a 1k resistor in series with the two leds and all I need to do is remove the 1k resistor? I don't really know what I am doing, just stumbling around in the dark!