**EVERYTHING** from that 9x era was made to be ditched per upgrade...
That was their agenda to fill their cash demands.. and they really filled it..
with their re-license cash demand
I had a *ALOT* of that VB garbabe and MFC garbage..
Gradually replaced everything with DELPHI -> LAZARUS (in case of possible..)
ALL MY C TurboVision stuff runs almost without a single change (apart CRT mode)
FPC TurboVsion for UNIX runs flawless ...
MFC was flushed in the toilet replaced with Gtk/Qt or Wx when suited..
Today I have a minor number of things left.. but 99% was really successful ported and ditched.
However - I am still scary with Intel hiding more and more firmware stuff inside their gizmos.
Although AMD is better and safer.. things are trending a dark way ahead.. for x86
Nevertheless firmware and drivers from these
partners are still making life miserable even after all these years.. they dont change their minds.. no value for the money