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gmail and the dot character in the recipient name

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--- Quote from: edy on November 04, 2019, 08:15:18 pm ---Not only do I get countless emails meant for other people (but that's nothing to do with the "dot" issue), but since PAYPAL and other sites DO CARE about the dot, you can open up multiple accounts and have verification emails sent to different forms of the Gmail address and they all look different to the other site.

I've got one lady who set up a PayPal account but is using my Gmail address (without any dots). I see all her purchases! PayPal should have NEVER allowed a secondary user to register the same email address for another account. That's the primary USER NAME!!!! But since it cares about the "dot", you can have multiple PayPal accounts all going to the same Gmail address. This may be useful for the individual user (perhaps the reason Google did this) but it is annoying when someone else does it to you.

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My sister had this exact same issue herself.
Kept getting mail for someone else.
And it's almost impossible to get these 'wrong' accounts removed because none of the business will talk to you since you're not the account holder. 

I used to have fun defending my “from” address (not so much part of smtp itself as it is the used-to-be separate rfc describing the format of mail messages.).  That worked when you could find THE author of the mail system for a particular os or site and convince the that you were right and they’d grudging fix it (or not.)   When the mail systems got to be run by big corporations and you generally had to go through a less knowledgeable customer service layer, it stopped working well, and wasn’t nearly as much fun. :-(

The questionable from line?  This:
From: William “Chops” Westfield <>
Many parsers didn’t like the quoted sub-phrase...


--- Quote from: Psi on November 05, 2019, 11:24:12 am ---And it's almost impossible to get these 'wrong' accounts removed because none of the business will talk to you since you're not the account holder. 

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They most certainly should talk to you, because you can fuck their customer up by taking over the account. That's something you should explain to them if they think it's just your problem.
Ultimately, you can lock the user out and then it definitely is their problem to handle the support calls :P


--- Quote from: magic on November 05, 2019, 11:33:38 am ---
--- Quote from: Psi on November 05, 2019, 11:24:12 am ---And it's almost impossible to get these 'wrong' accounts removed because none of the business will talk to you since you're not the account holder. 

--- End quote ---
They most certainly should talk to you, because you can fuck their customer up by taking over the account. That's something you should explain to them if they think it's just your problem.
Ultimately, you can lock the user out and then it definitely is their problem to handle the support calls :P

--- End quote ---

They should, but they don't and i think i know why.
I recall my sister tried to explain that to some call center , i think it was amazon, but they said they cannot have ANY conversion related to people having access to other peoples accounts. And they ended the call.

I think to prevent staff being tricked by social engineering they have a blanket call center policy to end the call as soon as any person says stuff about another persons account"
The company doesn't trust their minimum wage call center staff to not be socially engineered into giving away info they shouldn't. So they have a rule to ensure the call is ended before any social engineering can be done.


--- Quote from: Psi on November 05, 2019, 11:24:12 am ---And it's almost impossible to get these 'wrong' accounts removed because none of the business will talk to you since you're not the account holder. 
--- End quote ---

While I understand their motives this sometimes makes no sense.  My wife is Chinese and speaks no Spanish. A bank will not talk to me even though I tell them my wife is right next to me. They have to talk to HER. And they have no one who speaks Chinese.

No matter. Five minutes later my sister calls impersonating my wife. No problem.

But, the people with the dotted Gmail addresses, don't they notice they never receive any email, like, at all? And they can't log in to the Gmail account either? So they registered with Paypal or whatever with an email address they had never used? How? Doesn't paypal require a validation of the email?


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