* Containers is an old technology - we used it in the 60ies, 80ies and 90ies as part of main line very powerful tooling to do computing. Don't confuse "docker" with containers.
I guess i'ts a typo about the 60s, but that's not what I want to ask. Indeed, by container I was thinking Docker, and I don't understand very well the difference between chroot, namespaces, containers, docker and so on. I'm familiar with Linux for a long time, and for about a year I ditched Windows completely, yet I might use the wrong terms while asking something, so just to be sure, let's take an example:
- some time ago there was a devboard from TI called MSP-EXP430G. It was for the MSP430 family of Texas Instrument microcontrollers. It came with a socket, so it can be used as a programmer/one wire hardware debugger for many TI chips. I still have a few MCU models ordered back then that can be programmed/debug with that small devboard.
- now it's winter, and the air humidity is low, so I want to log the temperature and humidity from two rooms using a HTU21D sensor and a nRF24L01+ 2.4GHz transceiver (not Wi-Fi, not IoT) connected to a MSP430 microcontroller which I already have plenty in stock.
- searching online, there are many similar projects made with Arduino, or with Energia (the Arduino IDE from TI, for their boards only). However, the MCUs I have are pretty small in both RAM (128 or 256 bytes) and flash (1-2KB), and I want to make them run from a CR2032 coin battery, so Arduino/Energia examples are not good, nor in memory footprint, nor in power save. I want full control, so I'll write all from scratch, as a C exercise.
- TI is using CCS (Code Composer Studio) as a C/C++ IDE. CCS is a combination of GCC with a MSP430 port, packed together with Eclipse. Has all the tools, including a working one wire hardware debugger. However the current CCS, v9.3, while it supports the MCUs I have in stock, it does not support my devboard any more, so I won't be able to program/debug the chips.
- I know for sure CCS v5.3 works great (because I did a few projects with it back then), but after fiddling with it and searching for a few hours, I couldn't install CCS v5.3 in my current Ubuntu 18.10
- This April, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS will come out (Long Time Support - 5 years free updates or 10 years with paid updates), and I can hardly wait to switch to it. My current Ubuntu is a mess, so I'll reinstall everything from scratch in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Now, given all that, how, or what kind of containers should I use, so to be sure next time in April or maybe in 2024 April I won't spend yet another weekend to re-install CCSv5.3, for example?
Asking for an example just to better understand how the containers work, because I have a few other devboards in a similar situation.