Check your Languages Panel: Start -> Search for "language settings" -> Preferred Languages. I *think* that MS automatically adds any languages you have enabled here to the available keyboard layouts.
Even though i have my Windows to en-US, i'm using the german date/time format. Therfeore i also have german available in the list. I suspect that this caused german to be added into the available keyboard layouts.
If you have more than one language in the preferred languages and want to keep it that way, klick on "Keyboard"
There you have a couple of options, if you want to fix to a single language, select that one in the dropdown.
Finally you should check for keyboard shortcuts to switch between languages. Maybe you hit that accidentally. Click on "Input Language hoy keys"
There you should see a list of available layouts to switch to/between. If you have hotkeys configured, you can change or remove them here as well. The default Left Alt + Shift can be removed as well.