Author Topic: Need someone to repair my Logitech Z-5500 in Paris/France area  (Read 881 times)

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Offline AlainTopic starter

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Hi there,

I've found reasonable amounts of guides about repairs/mods of this system over the internet but I don't have the skills/tools to do it myself thus I'm looking for some enterprise/pepple to repair it for me in the Paris/France area so I could personally deliver/recover it.

Could you please point me to some such enterprises/peoples ?

Before posting here I've contacted the Logitech's support and the experience was not one of my best: I had on phone some lady half asleep, as competent as my wife and although I mentionned upfront two times the name of the system, the problem with it and that is no longer sold nor under warranty she insisted on asking dumb questions about testing it with different systems, different cables etc. to finally tell me that they have no repair service and they replace the broken stuff under warranty but for everything else we are on our own. As they don't even have independent authorized service repairers we need to find one ourselves so here I am.

Very briefly the problem: a few weeks ago I had some bad noise and the system turned off a few seconds after (not even the red light on the control pod). Also had some terrible smell comming from the sub. Checked the fuse and was ok, and after turning off/on the switch on the sub's back it came to life. Had for a week full surround sound with the analog input but no sound with the optical and coaxial ones and today only 2 out of 6 speakers produce sound. I visually inspected the PCBs of the sub and of the pod and found nothing of note (no exploded cap or other component), just the bad smell on the sub's PCB.

So, again, could you please point me to some competent peoples to repair my system ? While on it I would also like that some other aging components be replaced to avoid for a while other maintenance on the system. And why not some mods as long as the sound is kept balanced and natural (I'm mainly listening to classical and jazz music with the Tidal app).

Thank you

Offline janoc

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Re: Need someone to repair my Logitech Z-5500 in Paris/France area
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2018, 02:58:19 pm »
I think you can find plenty of shops doing electronics repair in Paris (especially in Paris - somewhere out in the woods it would be a lot more complicated).


I don't have any first hand experience with any of them though, so do your own due diligence before handing your device to any of them.

I could have a look at it too, but I am quite a bit farther up in the Ch'ti land, so you would have to drive the mess over to me. From the symptoms you are describing it is quite clear that something has released the magic smoke there, quite possibly some of the digital chips since the digital inputs have failed first.

Now, realistically - your speakers were sold for some 330 euro as far as I can see (it is an obsolete model). If there is some serious failure requiring major work or replacing a difficult to get component, repairing it would likely cost you more than the price of a new set, certainly more than the current value of your device. So don't be surprised at the price quote you will get for the repairmen. You may be better off buying new speakers.

Re your experience with Logitech - that's to be expected, unfortunately. This is consumer hardware, not designed nor intended to be serviced. It is designed to last for the mandatory warranty time and then when it inevitably breaks to be thrown away and replaced. So the companies don't have any repair service anymore - it is just not worth the expense.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2018, 03:01:22 pm by janoc »

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