Tried last indman's build.
And thinking about the compensation, I went to the other extreme, and tried a very large capacitor. I couldn't get a reading in this case: maybe the timeout for LCR monitoring is a tad short?
Note: I will check config's differences later.
I tried a 10,000uF and it worked in both modes with the "1.51mEn(8x16)Feliciano firmware". (Read as 11.78mF)
Then I paralleled another 8,200uF and it continued to work in both modes. (Read as 19.6mF)
Crammed another 3900uF. (Read as 26.19mF)
Note: My jumper wires did add some extra "ESR" and these, except for the 3900uF, were used parts...
Not sure what the point of your "ESR" test mode is, since it only works with capacitors... ie: RCL monitor does that already. Speed?
Feliciano, I am using WinAVR-20100110 + AVR-GCC 8.3.0.
Use the search, not so long ago in this thread we discussed the most favorable combination of software for compilation to get a compact firmware size.
Thanks. I'll try this instead of continuing with the "whack a mole" compiler error game that I'm currently playing... (Bit of a C compiler noob here, so the binaries and config files are a godsend)
FYI, the "FNIRSI 1.51mEnTestMonitor" binaries also worked fine with my unit in all modes.
EDIT on Mar 5th, 2024:
Here are the changes I made to my ComponentTester-1.51m code's makefile so it compiles using WinAVR-20100110 and AVR-GCC 8.3.0 and works on the TC-1 (FNIRSI-4A10 version) tester.
The LDFLAGS makes the code smaller so it'll fit.
"avr-size" is no longer supported and gave errors, so that line was commented out and "avr-objdump" was added instead.
MCU = atmega324p
FREQ = 16
LDFLAGS += -Wl,-relax
# @avr-size -C --mcu=${MCU} $<
@avr-objdump -Pmem-usage ${NAME}
See attached makefile which includes the above changes: