Electronics > KiCad

How can I design this THT footprint?

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I don't know how to design this footprint for a panel BNC connector. The custom shape primitives seem to apply to the exterior of the footprint not the interior hole.

On the outside it is circular 12mm in diameter, and on the inside it is 9,6mm but with a slot as in the picture.

Not sure what you are trying to achieve. This is not a THT part, it's a panel mount connector. Do you want to mount it on the PCB somehow?

If you want to create a cutout shaped like what is shown in the drawing, then you can simply draw it using an arc and a line in the edge cuts layer. Then add an outer circle in the courtyard layer, if necessary.


--- Quote from: shapirus on May 08, 2024, 01:39:38 pm ---Not sure what you are trying to achieve. This is not a THT part, it's a panel mount connector. Do you want to mount it on the PCB somehow?

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Exactly, its a PCB in which the connector will be mounted on one side with components on the other. The slot is important as this is what prevents rotation

--- Quote ---If you want to create a cutout shaped like what is shown in the drawing, then you can simply draw it using an arc and a line in the edge cuts layer. Then add an outer circle in the courtyard layer, if necessary.

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I know how to create a cutout like that, but that would not have a THT connection with metal on both sides of the PCB to make contact with the connector, ie I'm trying to avoid the solder on the tab of the connector and have a direct connector to board contact.

Maybe its my bad for trying to do this as someone can argue that I should solder the tab to a cable and then the cable to the board but that is just a waste of time

I’d like to point out that it’s a panel mount connector, as shapirus noted, not a part going to a PCB. Not sure, how you’re trying to connect it to a PCB, in particular without solder, how do you want to provide robust support and avoid stresses. Not even sure, what part of it is supposed to touch copper on the PCB.

Can you draw a PCB position on that picture, which you provided earlier? Touching both connections, marking which copper goes where?


--- Quote from: golden_labels on May 08, 2024, 04:30:37 pm ---I’d like to point out that it’s a panel mount connector, as shapirus noted, not a part going to a PCB. Not sure, how you’re trying to connect it to a PCB, in particular without solder, how do you want to provide robust support and avoid stresses. Not even sure, what part of it is supposed to touch copper on the PCB.

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There is nothing preventing a panel connector to be mounted in a PCB. Actually it will go thru 2x1,6mm FR4 boards which is more than enough for strength.
Apart from this discussion of whether this connector is or not a THT part, the question is still if Kicad can do an arbitrary internal cut with thru hole plating.

--- Quote ---Can you draw a PCB position on that picture, which you provided earlier? Touching both connections, marking which copper goes where?

--- End quote ---
Only the ground will connect directly to the PCB, the other central pin of the BNC needs a cable of course.


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