Author Topic: DreamPNP  (Read 1759 times)

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Offline GuusTopic starter

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« on: March 20, 2023, 12:57:58 pm »
DreamPNP Machine

For those who write TL:DR all the time, take Your pills and continue reading! :-+

I’m looking for an affordable PNP machine with the following specifications;

- Must be a desktop machine. Goes trough 80 cm wide doors, 1 person unboxing and lifting, shipped by air, low energy consumption, low noise levels.
- For 1 to 500 PCB’s per run. In R&D phase 1, then debug, then 1 etc. Every product who is developed has his own DreamPNP. This way the parts stay in the machine. Only once to be setup.
- Budget range for DreamPNP is between Euro 5.000 and Euro 8.000, base machine, transport and modification costs. Time not included.
- Must be able to repair myself without any help of the manufactory of the Base machine. That looks like it’s horrible en nervous breaking all the time below Euro 250.000
- More then 45 Simple feeders, just good enough to do the job but not pissing me off all the time.
- Juki nozzels, automatic swapping.
- Speeds is not that important, better low noise and no parts flying around.
- 0201 and up, QFN, BGA, USB-Connectors, RF-Modules (802.15.4+antenna), connectors. So a decent Z range to have some high components at the PCB.
- Vision top & bottom USB HD cameras
- Babysitting is not a problem if I can do something else near the machine.
- Running Open Source software at the controller board
- If needed another Open Source controller board
- OpenPNP with operator tablet/buttons+LCD at the machine and being able to sit behind a descend computer with running OpenPNP.
- Heavily relying on other Open Source project and active communities to avoid spending to much time at all the necessary modifications.
- NO LIMITS: Having a shit lot of fun while working with this DreamPNP machine. And in case shit is hitting the fan, start fixing with a big smile! Yes, You can Do It Yourself!!!!

My Plan B:

Base machine; Charmhigh Dual Side 58 Feeders PC Control Desktop Smt Machine CHM-T36VB

Firmware: OpenPNP and Smoothieware

This machine has been hacked already many times before. There is even a Smootiefirmware made specially for the controller board in the machine with a different MCU. The CHMT36VB has 2 times the feeders and the rest is the same as the CHMT36VA.

There are many, many articles written about the CHMT36VA.
etc, etc etc

Support from the factory is not good it seems. But there are plenty of spare parts from third parties. So when time has come for me that I’m also burning the picker solenoid coil I know there is help. But is has a low Z range, is an old machine etc.

Controller board:
- Existing controller in the machine is possible.
- Smoothieboard v1 will work great.
- Smoothieboard V2 PRO, with dual core Arm M4 and M7 and ASIC, but does not exist yet.

Time for an adventure; :box:

Plan A:

Base machine; NeoDen YY1 Pick and Place Machine

- Something newer, and is nicely build.
- Improvements possible by 3D printing new parts, specially the feeders!!! YES!!
- Not hacked before as far as I know. But there are people at this forum who just want to do this now.
- Has the possibility for higher components than my plan B.
- BUT: First impression of new owners is that they are positively surprised. After a short while getting grumpy and finding out that it is impossible to update the firmware!!! You need to buy new controllers all the time there is a bug fix or a new future that You badly need. Ah, and this plastic trouble with the 3D printed feeders is annoying but not a show stopper for me.
-Ad end-sensors so it stops headbanging at startup of the machine. |O
Firmware: OpenPNP and Smoothieware :D

Controller board:

- Existing controller in the machine. It seems impossible so needs to be removed directly.  :-//
- Smoothieboard v1, will this work? This needs to be found out.
- Smoothieboard V2 PRO, with dual core Arm M4 and M7 and ASIC, but does not exist yet! This needs to be made to be working!

So many things to find out and make it a better product, a DreamPNP machine. So nice to see that Open Source Hardware and Software makes our live so much better. Specially with the Smoothieboard V2 PRO it will be a super DreamPNP. So the missing part is the Smoothieboard V2 PRO.
From the website;

“The Smoothie project is always looking for help, whatever your skills are, there are things you can do to improve the project with the other volunteers, if you feel like you could give us some of your free time, please contact us, help and working together is what has made this project so neat, advanced and precious over the years, and is very welcome.”
The v2 line of boards will consist of three boards :
    • Smoothieboard v2, which is much like the current v1 4XC board, but better
    • Smoothieboard v2-pro, which is v2 but with a FPGA, more and better peripherals
    • Smoothieboard v2-mini, which is an as-inexpensive-as-possible board aimed at having only the bare minimum you need to run a simple 3D printer

It looks to me that they are in trouble, going from Mbed, to Nutxx and now FreeRTOS.

I would like to use Zephyr because that’s what I’m learning now and is basically Debian Linux for embedded programmers. This week I will start hacking my CirQuid, a milling machine, a drilling machine, putting solder pasta machine and pick and place machine. The manufactory stopped this product and disappeared. The controller looks like a very early version of the Smootieboard v1. I will make it a milling and drilling machine, and a laser cutter for cutting metal pasta stencils. It’s to small to make it a pick and place machine. But no further discussion about this machine in this thread please, it’s off topic.

Are there other members of this forum who want a DreamPNP machine based on NeoDen YY1 and can give the team at help developing the Smoothieboard v2-pro?
« Last Edit: March 20, 2023, 10:01:26 pm by Guus »
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Offline Smallsmt

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Re: DreamPNP
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2023, 07:52:09 am »
Juki Nozles and 0201 parts??
Did anyone get this working?

How about LumenPNP?
« Last Edit: May 16, 2023, 07:53:40 am by Smallsmt »

Offline gedass2000

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Re: DreamPNP
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2023, 11:18:40 am »
Juki 501 nozzles and 0201 works perfect for me

Juki Nozles and 0201 parts??
Did anyone get this working?

How about LumenPNP?

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