Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly

Low volume industrial cable assembly

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We have an industrial application for 14metre signal and power flex cable sets with Hirschmann CA series connectors and I was looking to get these outsourced to a company that ships to Australia.

I have reached out to some companies but as we are only looking at 5-10 sets, nobody has replied.

Any recommendations of who might be able to assist?


Finding a CM willing to do small quantity cable assemblies can be quite difficult at any price. One thing that has a big impact on how you're received is the drawing/specification you provide to them. Having a professional-looking drawing means a lot, can you share yours?

Providing a real sample can also be helpful (but is not a substitute for a drawing).

You could try a manufacturer of high cost low volume wiring such as those used in motorsport. They may not be familiar with the specific connectors but will have the skills to make high quality cables without automation and will ship anywhere.

The name I was thinking of was F1 Harnesses in Norfolk, UK but I can't find a website. They may have morphed into https://www.ascwiring.co.uk/

This search got lots of hits.

If the Hirschmann connectors need special tooling you could look for a similar company in whatever product area they're most commonly used. Motorsports typically use military, autosport or Lemo connectors.

We used these folks at one point to make some wiring harnesses.

Our price for a handful of wiring harnesses with M12, M8, DE15 and some bare wires terminated to ferrules was around 90eur/pcs, a far cry of the 270eur official cables cost us.
We later redesigned the wiring harness for even lower cost and went with a separate contract manufacturer for volume production.

If you usually work with a local PCB assembly house, you can ask them to do it for yourself. Here, the situation is the same with low quantity orders. I usually ask my component dealers or assembly houses to make me a favor. They have somehow very good relationships with wiring manufacturers.


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