I have a lot of PCBs to solder and some have quite large ground planes and I found my trusty Hakko FX-951 was struggling sometimes.
I thought I'll save time if I buy more professional soldering station, so after spending time on YouTube and reading forums I bought Metcal MX-5210 and a wide range of original tips.
I don't know if I am doing something wrong or there is some setting I am missing, but so far I find this iron to perform worse than my Hakko. It struggles where Hakko doesn't and I see no improvement at all, in fact it is worse when it comes to those problematic solder joints.
I did manage to solder one board but it took me twice as much time and I had to redo some solder joints.
So I understand the digit on the right is showing how much power goes into the tip. When it is idle it shows 5. When I stick the tip into the brass wool it goes to 70 something quickly and maxes out at 80.
When I am touching the solder joint it is very erratic like jumps between 5 and 12, sometimes goes to 20.
When I try to solder something that has a large ground plane, it never goes over 22-23 and it struggles to melt solder.
Do I have a dud?