Short conclusion after the Stuttgart summit regarding a concrete implementation of the EU-Calclub.
My request to include the EU-Calclub design and organisation question on the speaker's agenda in the short term was rejected for understandable reasons. It simply didn't fit in in terms of time and topic. Dr.Frank was kind enough to integrate the topic into his remarks by once again clarifying the tempco problem of shipping at winter temperature.
But that means nothing else than that we, as interested parties of an EU-Calclub, did not get any further with the organizational question and the reflection to a technically feasible variant as well as with the clarification of most different requirements to a reference than it was already addressed here in the forum anyway.
The question of preventing hypothermia does not only arise in this direction, however, if the possibility of overheating in summertime can be given on an equal footing. Preventing subcooling by means of polystyrene or other materials obviously does not work because it merely avoids emitting too much heat in too short a time, but not being able to heat passive elements additionally. And on the other hand we don't want to build perhaps
self-igniting paraffin-filled M...-Cocktails.
So my conclusion for the time being is that we have to get away from the idea within the EU Calclub of being able to build a highly qualified reference in our own rooms, but then also want to send it on its journey with this claim. For the same reason, it is likely more important to provide a higher quality reference to control a 5.5 - 6.5 digit DMM at the receiver, than to test the reference as an end in itself for the transmitter. Which doesn't rule out that the reference will be calibrated more and more precisely, depending on which qualified hands it passes through.
In my opinion, it is even completely irrelevant whether a "usage reference" as such(!) has suddenly migrated 5 ppm after the star-shaped control, if this is referenced accordingly in the cloud. Yes,
it should even be expected that this will happen all the time!
I will probably first choose two of my LTZ1000 in a few days, and then send them to the first interested people under these conditions, in order to concretize our request further. In the end, it is of course up to each sender to decide under which circumstances he/she wants to make his/her references available.
I would like to thank every active participant, designer, sender or receiver, as well as all necessary constructive critics.