If the vref = 6.9V the zener should be 6.2V(assuming a LTZ1000 circuit). If the zener has no tc. at 6.2V why put the transistor(diode) in series(again assuming a LTZ1000 circuit)? Would it not create a -2mv/K tc.?
Well, your assumptions are not correct.
At first, a silicon diode, or a Ube diode have about 0.5V forward voltage at small currents of 20..200µA where the LTFLU is specified, but at room temperature of 25°C only.
At the intended 45°C oven temperature, the forward voltage is about 0.45V only, so the zener must have about 6.45 V, which gives a pronounced positive T.C.
Don't forget, that these -2mv/K are related to a 14 times smaller voltage than the zener, and to simply calculate the necessary T.C. of latter, it still is +2mV/6.45V*K = +310ppm/K !!
So to re-formulate your wrongly derived last question, why not simply use an 1N821 type zener with small T.C.?
The manufacturing variations of these 1n821 series (or of any zener diodes), are very big, so you can only get low T.C. by selection, which range from +/- 100ppm/K for the 1N821 down to +/- 5ppm/K for the 1N829. The yield for near zero T.C. is extremely low..
In any case, you have no chance to trim the T.C. externally to exact zero. This is required for non-ovenized applications (The LTFLU is specified for 25..45°C application temperature.)
Therefore, you need such a Reference Amplifier, which can be trimmed to exact zero T.C. by variation of collector / Ube diode current @ 3mA zener current.
The other intention is to quite simply amplify the reference voltage to 10 or 15V, inside the different FLUKE reference applications.