Six days continuously powered on, the HIOKI is settlings down nicely, the difference with my reference meters and Fluke 731B is now essentially gone, the initial difference of about -3ppm has disappeared in about 3 days time and the meter appears to be stable - however I will continue to monitor its stability. Here just as an illustration the HIOKI measuring the Fluke 731B for 60 min when the temperature in my home lab was reasonably constant (the TC of 731B is about -2ppm/C, so the 0.2ppm rise over 60 min means the temperature has dropped by about 0.1C ). The red line is 30s running average, vertical scale is 1uV = 0.1ppm /div. It is good to see two low noise references (LTZ1000A and RefAmp) working well together.
P.S. - I've corrected the graph's title, the measurements were made at NPLC10, 1s intervals, not NPLC1 .