Hi Jon,
I know of no kit. You can assemble the bits yourself though.
xDevs (TiN) has on his website a list of the common parts from DigiKey - he even has the Digikey part numbers. Thanks TiN.
A PCB is available through OshPark PCB - see link on xDevs website.
The good resistors (the 120R, 1K, 70k x2 and the 12 to 13k) are the tricky part - Vishay's very good resistors are very expensive and hard to source easily esp in Australia, Mr Pettis (Ultrohm) USA has some very nice wire wounds for a very good price - he is busy. Some other wire wound resistors made by TE, model UPW50 can be sourced (In Australia) through RS components but to get the values a bit of mixing is required.
The LTZ1000 can be got through DigiKey, they have the C model in stock at present , I recently sourced some A models through TME. Others have got a few from the manufacturer directly - I have not done this. Cabling, mounting/boxing/insulation, power supply etc are other decisions
Half the 'fun' is researching what you want to get out of this, how much you want to spend, what you can get. I don't know what is available/import issues in your country - this can make a big difference on choices.
Every decision you make has some impact between $, long term stability, noise, ambient air temp etc. Look at the variation in the completed Kx references presented on this website to date - almost no 2 are identical.
Some of the serious Volt-Nut guys on this website have given a lot of time , experience and knowledge away - worth quite a bit of reading!
Regards Robert (volt-nut trainee!)