So I fixed the display on one of these, put in a shorting plug and fired it up to take 100 readings on the 10V range.
To my surprise, it only varies by one count. The internal stats consistently report a SD of 200nV across 100 readings. That's set to slow, which is 10 NPLC.
This seems like a remarkably good number. I can't get this out of my K2002, which I have never seen do better than 400nV - although it is often double that. I see similar results from other K2002 units here. The K2002 does have double the range (20V not 10)
You can see this kind of stability on a 6.5 digit meter, but this is a whole class up.
Keithley makes claims that this is a low noise meter, which appear to be true. It is also a lightweight box, feels almost empty compared to the K2001 and K2002.