now I understand your idea.
You're mainly interested in the influence of the different resistors of the circuit, or how their individual drifts influence the overall drift of the RefAmp reference voltage, and the 10V.
The suppression ratio is then the relation between the individual drifts and the drift of the outputs.
These parameters have been determined experimentally also on the LTZ1000 circuit by several people, but far easier.
If you simply vary each resistor by a small amount, say a few percent, by adding another resistor in parallel, you can directly determine these suppression ratios.
They will be in the same ballpark, like between 100 and 2000, as both circuits are similar.
The 7V / 10V stepup resistors have a suppression ratio of about 1, which makes them very critical.
So you can calculate from the known T.C.s and the estimated timely drifts the overall changes over temperature and time directly.
Btw.: I think, as these suppression ratios are partly quite high, that you can't really measure them, if you make comparing measurements 1 year apart.. the changes are probably too small, compared to the stability of your measurement equipment.
The only thing you have to measure over 1 year, or so, is the absolute drift of the RefAmp, and the 10V output.