Some 0.9 W sound reasonable for a module of that size - more insulation could probably reduce it a little more. This is still quite a bit higher than the power consumption without the heater - so the minimal temperarure would not be too high.
Would be interesting to hear your suggestion on how to improve insulation.
Hear is how it's currently build:
I have a 1cm thick-walled styrofoam box, with some cotton wool on the bottom, the board with the heater resistor attached to its back is laying flat on it. Then more cotton wool covers the top and fills the inner volume of the styrofoam box until a 1cm thick-walled styrofoam lid closes the box. The inside of the insulating box is slightly bigger than the aluminum reference board (20x40cm²) with its heater and has only enough room for bending the wires towards the lid, where they feed through.
Indeed some Aerogel like material could be used, but that is nothing commonly available in your next hardware store. Even a box made out of a bottle with pu foam could be used (already have one), but needs some kind of form, to get it in shape. So no easy task either.
Am I'm missing a much more simple but effective solution, with material that is easy to get? Don't forget, all hardware stores are closed due to lockdown.