I have an AVR64EA48 fitted with a 32.768kHz crystal for low-power sleep operation. But for some reson the 32k oscillator won't start unless it is loaded with a lot more capacitance then it should have: touching a x10 scope probe starts it, or increasing the loading caps to >20pF (currently 24pF as 2x12pF piggybacked as that's all I had in stock)
The XTAL I'm using is ECS-.327-7-34B-TR (7pF) and I'm using 6.8pF loading caps which as far as I can work out is the closest standard value. The Curiosity Nano dev board also has a 7pF xtal and uses asymmetric loading of 6.8pF & 5.6pF.
The traces between MCU & XTAL are only about 3mm, and they both sit above a solid ground plane on a 2-sided PCB.
Any suggestions where I should start looking?