Hi, I’m using DS3231 RTC module and max7219 dot matrix display with 4 modules. When i made a clock that displays time, I realized that it drifts about 15 seconds an hour. There was no reason for such a behaviour so I started troubleshooting and came to the conclusion that power supply could be making all the problems. When i removed the dot matrix module, it didn’t drift anymore. I put the module back and removed just the dot matrix 8x8 displays and it didn’t also drift. That made me think that putting these displays in, when refreshing the screen, they draw to much current in the split of a second and cause some power supply ripple or voltage dip that could mess with the RTC module. I’m using 5v 2a power adapter with barrel jack and everything is wired on a breadboard. Currently, I don’t have any equipment to measure power supply ripple so I don’t know if this is actually the reason for such a behaviour. Did anybody have similar experience with such a huge RTC drift and what was the problem. The RTC module is not some fake chip because it works flawlessly when tested sepparately.