In my spare time trawling for weird Chinese microcontrollers on Aliexpress, I came across this thing claiming to be a "32-Bit 8051":
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So I thought "why not?" and ordered a few of them. Looking through the Internet, there's barely any information on them anywhere, and the datasheet is only in Chinese. However, it seems that they're a clone of Intel's MCS-251 microcontrollers from the 1990's, but with lower cycle counts for instructions, and better peripherals.
After I got them in the mail, I wrangled with them for about a week, going through translation shenanigans and wacky software. After working with them for a little bit, I'd have to say that they're
very quirky, but also very capable as well once all the many, many, many kinks are worked through. Currently, I have it talking to a MAX7456, and everything is going smoothly. Obviously, these things aren't suitable for anything commercial, but as a hobbyist they might be an AVR killer for me.
I was wondering if anyone here has worked with these weird little things before, or had any thoughts on them.