Nice thoughts
Yes, I have the Chronos watch also.
I almost ordered a bunch of supercaps for trying to make a device that does not need any external battery
But then again, I have a heap on unused Eneloops lying aroud so why not use them...
The solar cells are spec'd 3.6V and 210mA @ max so I could charge the batteries with some schotcky diodes.
The garden light could use the µC's internal Real Time Clock and shut down at midnight. I have a street lamp outside my window and it drives me nuts when I leave my window blinds open.
Which brings me to an idea of automatized shade blinder
Solar cell detects if the sun is rising and opens the blinds, and then again at midnight it closes them allowing me to sleep. Waking up is a nicer experience (according to Philps marketing department) when you get a real daylight. Formerly I was planning to make a wakeuplight but that one nevere made it... Anyway that would require a small DC motor to turn on and off the blinds. If the solarcell charges the batteries enough, it could maybe actuate itself twice a day and then just collect more energy.
While testing the solarcells, I noticed that sunlight is much more efficient powersource than artificial lighting (lightbulb, LED etc). So it could be possible to detect just sunlight apart from the street lamp. And by the way the lamp shuts down at 2 o'clock at night time.
but anyways, great ideas... keep 'em coming!
PS: this lowpower thingy was actually pretty interesting, 6 or 7 months back I made a temperature sensing wireless node with Arduino and HopeRF radios. It sends the temperature of my sauna so I can check it while being in computer
The batteries ran out just few days ago. It was an interesting project also.