I started working with Microchip dsPIC33AK series. This is a very new dsPIC series with 200MHz and 32bit FPU! It looks good but it needs minimum Pickit4 to program.

I have 5-6 Pickit3 programmers but according to Microchip's statement MPLAB X will not support these programmers anymore after 6.20.
So it seems like we will be stuck with Pickit4 or Pickit5.
But the cheapest Pickit4 starts around 100$ and I don't want to spend that money on just one programmer.
I think there will be a solution for this and I want to get your opinion
I have a test kit of dsPIC33CK series, it has PKoB4 internal programmer and I programmed dsPIC33AK series easily with it. Its circuit diagram is also clear and it seems like we can have a programmer equivalent to Pickit4 for almost a third of the price. Also, I don't think Microchip will stop supporting it since it uses it in test kits.
Has anyone tried this before?
I see an EEPROM in the circuit diagram, but it can be copied. The Hex codes for the programmer are under Program Files/Microchip.
I'm thinking of using the diagram I gave in the link below as a basis. What do you think?