Author Topic: Pain migrating CycloneV SOC kit from 13. to 16, QSYS, GSRD, SOC-EDS, kernel?  (Read 1680 times)

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Offline evb149Topic starter

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I'm wondering about the likely pain involved in migrating Cyclone V SOC devkit projects from ACDS/Quartus 13.1 to 15.1 or 16.0, affecting QSYS + GSRD + GHRD designs, DTS, SOC-EDS preloader/u-boot/BSP-Editor configurations, targeting a  substantially newer kernel, etc.?

I know there are supported GSRD/GHRD versions for ACDS 13, 14, and 15.1 for my kit so I know that's possible but I'm wondering about going further and  importing the 13.1 or 15.1 base designs to the newest 16.0 ACDS related Quartus/Qsys/SOC-EDS/BSP-EDITOR/Preloader/U-BOOT configurations and going from the 3.10 LTSI kernel  to say 4.4 Angstrom or similar using the newer 16.0 related recommended procedures applicable to newer / other kit platforms than my particular one.

Do there tend to be any significant difficulties involved in importing older version QSYS SOPC designs / DTS / GSRD / GHRD base designs etc. into the newer tool versions?

Should be easy / straightforward but their documentation on it is sparse / a mess and there isn't specific indication of support for my kit's use in the 16.0 GSRD docs. so I'm wondering about likely portability concerns at the tool / build levels.

Offline andersm

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There was just a discussion on the Rocketboards mailing list where it was mentioned that the device trees produced by sopc2dts are not compatible with newer kernels.

Offline azer

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Your board_info.xml needs some updates from the GHRD, but apart from that it  should be enough with a clean build. Upgrade ipcores, rerun qsys, synthesize, regenerate preloader+uboot, generate dtb.
Depends on how new kernel you need, as mentioned the sopc2dts is missing some stuff for the newest kernels so you need to add some things in the xml file. I'm using 4.4 at the moment with the attached xml (changes mostly taken from updates of dts files in kernel sources), though I'm not using all features of the HPS so ymmv.

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