Hello all,
I am having difficulty interfacing my PIC16F877A microcontroller with 8 momentary buttons.
It only seems to be reading properly from RB0, 1 and 7. The other pins seem to be low even though I have 10K external pull up resistors to +6V. The circuit is pretty simple: 8 MHZ crystal to CLK with 22pF caps to groud, entire PORTD with apropriate resistors to LED's and entire PORTB with 10K pull up resistors to switches directly to ground. MCLR is tied high.
Here is the code written in Hi Tech PICC:
* Pelle Jansen
* 5 - 2 - 2012
* PIC16F877A button IO test
* X1: 8 MHZ, 2 22 pF capacitors to ground
* ****************************************************
#include <htc.h> // main PIC header file
#include "delay.h" // for DelayUs()
#include "delay.c" // for some reason necessary for DelayMs()
/* External high speed 8 MHZ crystal oscillator, Watchdog timer disabled
* brown out reset enabled, EEPROM protection disabled
* write protect disabled, code protect disable, Low voltage programming disabled
* power on timer enabled.
#define XTAL_FREQ 8 MHZ
/*main function*/
void main (void)
TRISD=0; // PORTD as output
TRISB=1; // PORTB as input
while (1) // infinite loop
The LED's are fine as I can light every individual one of them with success but when I try to read digital status from PORTB RD0, 1 and 7 works fine but others almost always return 0

. When trying to use single ports in an if statement (RB2 in this case) it sometimes decides to work but than it fails again

. I feel like I'm overlooking something simple and stupid like an configuration bit. I am still pretty new to uCs so if you can help me out it would be greatly appreciated.
Oh and by the way, I am using MPLAB X on OS X 10.6.8 and am using a PICKIT 3. If you need any more info just ask
