from Re: Wanting to begin using Atmel
As far as the usefulness of command tools are concerned you should review the end of Dave's Pickit 3 rant, he was missing the stand alone tool for the Pickit 2 and while a version for the Pickit 3 has been promised it has AFAIK not been delivered so far.
I heard it finally came out last week.
When is a linux command line programmer going to come out (/are ever going to make one?
Currently I have not got a PICkit2 or PICkit3 as if I ever want to use mplabx on linux to debug it has to be with the pickit3 not the pickit2. However most of the time I just want my make file to be able to call the compiler and call a programmer for the device.
It would be nice if the PICkit3 could just pretend to be a PICkit2 some times.... then I might know which one to get.