The thing is though, and I had a similar discussion in another forum recently, such a "bucket thread" is not really a good place to disclose such a major issue to the users.
First off, as paradox as it may sound, sticky threads like that Server Error Report Thread are simply ignored by the vast majority of users. A new user may look into some of them (But why should they look into that "Server Error Reports" sticky?), but after that there is rarely a reason to look into them. Most stickies in most forums do not change all that often, so this is an over many years learned behavior.
Additionally, the opening post of that thread relates to different issues. Originally it was meant to report on that common 502 Gateway time out error and similar errors. So, to be a pedant: That thread would not *really* be the proper place to post about this issue :p
And last, but not least: For new users, I would say, it is almost impossible to be aware of the issue.