Looks like iCircuit for iPad. A decent simulator. Not incredible, but decent. Can be a pain to route things and get things hooked up sometimes.
Yeah, it's iCircuit. The iPad version UI can be a bit fiddly at times. For example, to delete an item you have to tap it to select it, then tap again shortly thereafter for the Delete/Copy menu to pop up. Once you get the right rhythm down it's alright, the issue is that sometime it bugs and just won't show up. The fix is simple, just tap back to the main menu and then tap back into the circuit you were working on.
The scope trace also occasionally bugs in the same way, with the same solution. I recently got around to reporting both bugs, hopefully they'll be fixed soon. (They don't appear for me on the Mac version. I assume the PC version would be equally as stable.)
I think you're right. It's on android too, but pay version only. Saw EveryCircuit, going to mess around with it.
I recently saw EveryCircuit on the App Store and decided to check it out. I was really put off with it trying to force me to register an account with them. Once I got into the simulator, I didn't like it very much. It seemed very, very basic on the surface. I also didn't care for the way you hook things up and add parts to the schematic.
I mainly use iCircuit on my iPad when I'm away from my computer and want to put an idea down, or just kind of spitball with a theory or problem I'm working on. It does use "ideal" models of components, but they're competent models none the less. Even stuff like inductors and transformers are fully implemented, which is pretty neat. Just the other night I was working on a Resonant Royer converter design and used the Center Tapped Transformer part in iCircuit to simulate it by reversing the primary/secondary turns property and just hooking up the secondary as the primary. It worked perfectly, which isn't something I expected it to do!
I also use it at the bench on my main computer for quickly seeing "What happens if I..." before going through the hassle of setting the circuit up in SPICE or running a bunch of calculations or trial and error component swapping on the breadboard.
It's a nice little simulator, if you don't expect too much from it. It's got a large built-in library of parts, including nearly fifty 74-Series logic chips. You can also add your own custom parts by adding a sub-circuit. I've actually made quite a few custom parts that work really well, based on the datasheet models of the real parts.
Here's some of my parts library, along with a shot of the LTC1043 Switched Cap Building Block (complete with the built-in oscillator that's settable with an external capacitor) and LT1970A Power Op-Amp w/ Adjustable Current Limits.
If anyone is interested, I'll make a thread about iCircuit and upload my collection of parts.

Excellent explanation and pics, thanks! I've got iCircuit, too-- it's wonderful for fiddling around. FYI, it's based on Paul Falstad's free Java circuit simulator applet, which is I find is even better because it's got numerous great example circuits: http://www.falstad.com/circuit/.
Is it actually based on Falstad's simulator? I know visually they are very similar, but for some reason I was always under the impression that Krueger did the iCircuit engine himself, from scratch, and just cribbed Falstad's visual style. I'm not sure why, I swear I read it on the iCircuit website when it first came out circa 2010, but now I can't find mention either way.
Anwyay, if you don't like Java, someone ported Falstad's code to JavaScript (holy shit, I know, right?) which is pretty awesome. I've been meaning to take a look at the JS to see what it would take to create a forum plugin version of it. Wouldn't it be cool if you could embed a live simulated circuit into your post? My thought is it would show a static PNG and, when clicked, would come live (or open a new window with a live view).
Okay, now that I'm done with simulator talk, back to DMMs! I forgot to mention in my explanation that, before the high/low range switch, right at the input, there might also be a Transorb (TVS), spark gap, or some other means of extreme high voltage protection. I know it's common on handheld meters, but I'm not sure about modern benchtop DMMs. (I know it's generally uncommon on older benchtop DMMs, I guess the assumption being you're not going to be hooking a HP 3456A up to a several-thousand volt distribution panel capable of hundreds of amps.)
I also wanted to give an explanation of why the <2V ranges have lower source impedance than the other ranges. A lot of it has to do with the input bias currents of the buffer amp. Once you start talking about megaohms of source impedance, just drawing *picoamps* of current will cause an offset, especially when you're trying to measure mV or uV. (A 10M resistor will drop 1mV with a 100pA load; with a 2mV input, that would be a 50% error!)
So, to help with that problem, the low range is generally relay (and not FET) switched through a few hundred kOhms instead of the 10M ohm divider chain the higher ranges use. At higher ranges, the offset is a small fraction of the total signal so it's not as big a deal; 100uV is nothing when talking about 200V, for example.
In a precision DMM, a femtoamp op-amp might be used for the buffer, to further lower the bias induced offset. Guard traces would also be used to reduce or eliminate other sources of leakage.
Now, for the auto-ranging itself! That's almost always done with the MCU in software. A lot of off the shelf SAR and Delta-Sigma ADCs actually have a unique output code for over/under range conditions. So you'd simply check that and switch your way up or down the line until you get a working code. The other option might be to use a slightly higher VREF than needed on the ADC (2.1V instead of 2V, for example) and just treat any codes over 2.000 as over range. Add a little software hysteresis so you don't constantly switch when near the limit (range up at 2V but don't range down until 1.9V, for example).
I have seen some old very simple DMMs based on V-to-F converters (which used 74-Series decade counters and BCD to 7-segment decoders for the display) which used hardware auto-ranging. Basically, a separate comparator was hooked to each tap of the input divider, which was used to drive the appropriate FET switches or relays.
Also, some of the classic 3.5 digit DMM-on-a-Chip ICs have over/under range outputs to drive logic for auto ranging.