I'm surprised a show as big as AvE was missed..
We had AvE on at one point, but I think Dave and a general consensus narrowed this down and away from machinist videos and even away from general maker/3D printer stuff. I think it would be fair to say there's enough in just electronics to keep this growing list on focus. I'm not saying 3D-p does not apply, we do have some listed, but few ever coach on details as applied to electronics (eg: steppers, drivers, and maintenance).
On some of the items just listed, I'll say this: In the last 20-years there has been enough techno-trash filling our landfills (and personal garages..) that there's a whole bunch of channels that look like electronics channels at fist glance, but are not. Channels with tons of tear downs (which, if I'm not mistaken were practically coined by Dave), are a dime a dozen now, but most are without demonstrable application of theory. The thing we need to ask is, "what can be learned and replicated here?"
I'll reserve comment on the refrigeration and power invertor guys (others may give some opinion), but Simone by her own admission "as a non-engineer, shitty robot expert", looks as though it's a popularity channel with average video lengths between 5-7 minutes with plenty of cute face shots. Just my opinion, but Rinoa Super-Genius (a bit weird) rambles on too much dragging stuff through the dirt and mud around her backyard and collecting junk and veering off to other topics. I was subscribed to the channel for a year or so, until I saw enough monotonic rambling over junk to nip that one too.
I’m back, sorry was busy for the holidays. I feel like I can add to this conversation, but also being a creator I feel like if I express my opinion then people may take this as I am trying to keep other channels off the list.
So yea, this is a hard question. Should I add my thoughts or not?
On the other hand I will speak on 3D printers, and I guess this goes into a general topic of everything can be electronics, but their maybe should be sub categories or a more defined definition of the list.
I feel like I can say 3D printer are a separate topic being one of the people that was heavily involved with the CoreXY printer design after Makerbot was bought out by Stratasys. This took away the most popular open source design on the market.
Also, I should note I have another channel that is for 3D printing, so even I keep these separate.
https://www.youtube.com/user/MrScottJDUPDATE: As I reviewed Cliffs comments on 3D printers, I realized my 3D printer channel does fit the list definition of maintenance, upgrades, steppers and stuff. But please DO NOT add this one to the list.
I stopped printing and stop building printers when I fell ill, it can be a fire hazard if you can not stay awake for the whole print that’s 1 to 12 hours, or longer. So you will see I still support the channel, answer questions but don’t post any new videos and never posted my CoreXY builds. I f I kept it up I’m sure it would be bigger then my Gadget channel by now. I even have a different channel of random, RC Cars, 116yr old edison phonograph that I fixed and restored, antiques that I sometimes work on like old clocks. But they are all separate channels for a reason. If the Edison phonograph was electronic then maybe I would put some of those videos on the Gadget channel (despite using the same governor design in some modern car transmissions today and makes you wonder how much has really changed over a 100 years?)
So yes, a lot of things can be considered electronics, but maybe should be more specific like 3D printers. Even car mechanics use DMM’s, oscilloscopes and other equiptment like a electronic hobbyist , but that doesn’t mean they should be on the list as well.
Even at my own admission my channel isn’t all electronics and has a mix of reviews, I try to keep them Gadget electronic reviews. I’m working on more lithium battery stuff and built a separate bench for this in a cold basement for safety reason, but isn’t the best video or audio with a furnace running. A car camera dash Review coming up, but the difference is I want to tear it down also with batteries in car cams that don’t like the heat or cold. This one uses a 5.4V super cap to finish writing the footer of the last video file before shutting off.
And I need to get back to more tear downs and repairs, maybe review the Gadget in one video, then tear it down in another? But I don’t buy stuff just for the channel, I buy it for me and just happen to do reviews on things I use and would recommend. Becuase my channel started with me taking the electronics hobby to the next level and buying new stuff, building a lab, and reviewing this equiptment, youtube has thrown my channel in with big clive, eevblog, and others as a recommended channel despite the name of the channel.
So my channel is a slight mix, but these days to run a channel with just one topic, one category would be hard to keep making new content unless your recording your work day of electronics repair and already do it 40 hours a week. Without some variety the channel would be the same thing over and over and people might get board of that. I think it’s safe to say that maybe even Dave has a hard time now with over 1,000 of videos not repeating content that he has already done.