I remember when the "8 queens problem" was a standard microbenchmark for AI systems. Executing it on an Apple LaserWriter was faster than on the contemporary Mac Plus
Now that was curious.
Maybe if the Mac Plus was running an interpreted Lisp. Not if you programmed the 8 queens in Think Pascal (generating native 68000 code) etc.
The LaserWriter had a 68000, same as the Mac Plus, it was just running at 12 MHz instead of 7.83 MHz. So it was faster, but not THAT much faster.
Note that the Mac Plus ($2599, 1 MB RAM, 1 floppy) was introduced 10 months after the LaserWriter ($6995), but of course the Mac 128k was a year before it, and the 512k "Fat Mac" was six months before the LaserWriter.
I bought the first LaserWriter in NZ, the same one as was used to demo at the launch. It was my first year out of university. I was programming a Data General MV/10000 [1] in PL/1 to generate line graphs for financial data vs time e.g. stock prices, foreign exchange rates, first on an HP pen plotter and then on the original LaserJet. The LaserJet could print bitmap data inside a rectangle [2] but only a total of 56KB (?) of data per page (including actual text, formatting commands etc), with a full A4 page at 300 DPI being about 1 MB, so it only had about maximum 5% coverage of the page using bitmapped graphics. It was very painful trying to print a full page line graph (plus axes, labels etc) by enclosing parts of the line graph with lots of tiny rectangles.
I showed my boss an article about the new Apple LaserWriter, showing example PostScript programs, and told him we needed one. "How much?" "NZ$18000" "It will do the job we need?" "Yup" "Get it". Instant decision. All that remained was to make up a custom cable to connect one of the DG's RS-232 terminal lines to the LaserWriter's RS-422, and convert my programs to generate PostScript instead of PCL or HP-GL (pen plotter language).
In fact, as a first version, it was easy to write a PostScript program that could be simply concatenated in front of an HP-GL disk file, sent to the LaserWriter, and the PostScript program interpreted the HP-GL.
[1] a VAX competitor, advertised as twice as fast as an 11/780 at maybe half the price. It was 32 bit but binary compatible with 16 bit Nova & Eclipse machines. It still had only 4 GPRs, two of which could be used as pointers.
[2] actually a rectangle with a ragged right edge as each line could be a different length