umm, just to give you my point ...
... one of the two re-designed the piloting interface of the underwater rover(1), with a whole series of ingenious widgets that show what is needed when needed
(1) my contribution here?
ok, my initial attempt was only a "proof of concept" to convince the manager that "it's feasable".
However, what I presented in the showroom was - "really embarrassing" - so he commented - two XVGA (special) cameras, interfaced with two XVGA viewfinders mounted on a face-mask cushion, which not only looked terrible (umm, too Gibson-sh), but also sucked great from the ergonomic point of view, in frist place, and, worse yet, it was full of cables here and there for both the internal platform (IMU) and the hardware gimmick to imitate steroscopic vision and, and since there is no limit to the worst, not only the pad is a very sneaky attempt to hide the Playstation1 Pad in a box of plastic glued to hide it better (because, uuu, I like the SPI-like signal interface, better than any USB-interface from my point of view, but I cannot tell this to the project manager), but also I made its interface on a kind of "finder bar" that never hided, wasting a lot of pixel for nothing.
Thanks god, those two designers "fixed" the user interface of my prototype, and then fixed the whole stuff, making it not only "really wereable", but also much more comfortable from the visual interface up, with all the visual features offered in widgets that appear only when you need to be iterate with them, and then disappear
I would never have come up with such an idea
