I have a buried ethernet line that is about 600ft long that I can only get to sync at 100Mbit. Wifi is not possible because this connection needs to be wired for work reasons (security concerns).
The cable that is buried is shielded , gel filled and 23AWG solid copper if that matters.
I've tried different switches and routers all commercial quality stuff and that doesn't seem to matter.
I saw extenders are sold that are poe powered and can be buried in ground mid point at 300ft or so to boost the signal but I really don't want to have to dig this
line up as I am not sure exactly where it is buried, and prefer not to bury a new one due to numerous trees, roots, irrigation plumbing, etc.
Is ethernet limited in distance because the voltage drops are too high as the distance increases or because of crosstalk between the pairs that causes too many errors.
If it is voltage related , would it be possible to build a circuit that on end takes a normal ethernet signal , converts that voltage higher, and then a circuit
on the other end that drops back to normal ethernet levels ? Or am I just asking for something that will not work and I need buy up some fiber and do some serious digging ?