No sooner do i purchase a 25MHz. scope, thinking 25MHz. will be adequate for my needs, i have a project that generates a 50MHz. clock. When i test the 50MHz. signal, the 25MHz. scope recognizes the signal as 50MHz., but what should be a square wave is instead an attenuated triangle wave, that increases in size and takes on the shape of a square wave as i lower the frequency. It looks just like you'd expect from a square wave that has gone through a slew rate limited op-amp.
Since i have always been lucky enough to use a 100MHz. scope until now, i'm not sure if this distortion is and artifact of the limitations of my 25MHz. scope, or if my clock circuit is causing the distortion because it is slew rate limited at 50MHz.
My question is - is this the typical response of a 25MHz. digital scope to a 50Mhz. square wave signal, or should i suspect the incoming clock circuit? For now, i am presuming this is the scope being limited by its anti-aliasing filter, but i would appreciate confirmation before i rule out a problem with the clock circuit.
The scope is a "Circuit Test" brand - very much like a Rigol - couldn't find a Rigol in my area.
Thanks for your help.