TO247 / TO218 and similar cases are good, as you can have them an the board, so no loose cables. TO220 is not that good for higher power - so OK for something like 40 W at most. So it might work for an 1 A supply. TO3 can be difficult to mount and often is more expensive. I personally don't like them.
The 2SC5200 is a very good audio transistor. So it is a viable choice, if from a credible source, but it's a type where you can find fakes if you get them from EBAY or a discount seller. $2,70 is not too bad, but still not cheap.
TIP3055 (cheap), TIP35 (more robust) and TIP140 (Darlington) are good for a low cost version, though not really fast. If you can live with something like 100 µF (per transistor) at the output, they should be fast enough. In the simulation I even got 5 µF output cap with a 2N3055 stable, though a faster transistor might make it easier.
With these lower cost types you are less likely to find fakes.
It depends on the source, which transistors you might get for a good price.