I have found an interesting document that was written by a student with input from knowledgeable sources, including Inframetrics (now part of FLIR)
It may be of interest to others who wish to understand modern TICs internal workings.
The document contains some interesting detail and pictures, including the physical aspects of the microbolometer on page 40.
I was interested in the peltier temperature stabilisation implimentation and this is clearly detailed here. It would appear that one of my faulty TICs has a fault in the peltier control loop but at at least it is unlikely to be a physical defect inside the detector capsule.
http://archives.njit.edu/vol01/etd/1990s/1997/njit-etd1997-027/njit-etd1997-027.pdfI also attach an Indigo data sheet from 2006 detailing a TIC that does not use a Thermoelectric temperature stabiliser.
To fellow 'Thermal Geeks' ENJOY
