I have a wind up torch that I've had for about four years.
A while back I noticed that it wasn't holding its charge for very long and this has only become worse.
Thought it must be the battery - it had inside three 1.2V, 80 mAh NiMH batteries wired in series to give 3.6v - these are stacked to form a small pyramid.
I didn't have a spare of that exact same type so replaced it with one of these:
https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/button-rechargeable-batteries/0525843so the same voltage, mAh and also NiMH
however, the problem remains - irrespective of how much I wind it up the charge doesn't last long.
What else could be wrong?
There's not much inside the battery - just the motor/coil/whatever it's called that you wind up, the LEDs, a few wires and the on/off button. And that's it.