Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's
Help with designing a 600V input Dcdc converter
so I need to make a dcdc converter capable of handling a 588V input and a output voltage of anywhere between 12V - 48V with a output power of around 200W. It needs to be as efficient as possible.
I have looked at a lot of designs, and i have tried to design one with the ucc28950. I downloaded the excel calculator and the problem arose with the transformer. It said i needed 20mH of mag. inductance, but there was no off the shelf one
especially with a 600V input rating so that's where i stopped with this design as I don't have that much knowledge to make one myself .
One topology that sparked my interest, was Vicors Sine Amplitude Converter found in a lot of their converters. But a suitable one would go for about 800eur so that was a no go. I then did some research and found a video of the working principle of their topology. I tried simulating it with no luck. Maybe someone here has some deeper knowledge on this topology that could help.
Any help is appreciated and i thank to anyone in advance.
David Hess:
I would have started with a custom wound transformer, however there might be another option. Two (or more) standard transformers could be used with the primaries in series and the secondaries in parallel.
For 200W I'm not sure a PSFB would be worthwhile. Something like a 2-transistor forward would potentially do well here with a 1:4 output range/duty variation, and it has relatively benign control characteristics (I assume you are a power electronics beginner, so not sure recommending a PSFB/LLC/DAB/whatever is good here). You'll likely need a custom transformer no matter what you do here, but it's not that difficult to figure it out for this power level for a fixed frequency converter. "As efficient as possible" would also imply a sync rectifier on secondary, though you haven't quantified what this means so it may not be necessary.
well i do understand you don't want to pay much, but DIY and efficiency don't go well unless you buy the right stuff, or develop for years
and some start at 128 euro ???
your's in time and tryouts or failures may or will cost more than that
Hard to give much info without more specs/requirements. You say "as efficient as possible" which leads to a fancier topology like PSFB or LLC, and would definitely mean doing a custom transformer. But would ~85% efficiency be sufficient? If so you could likely have a much simpler design with a forward converter and an off-the-shelf transformer.
You say this is a DC-DC converter, but does it require isolation? If so, what sort of requirements are there on the insulation (what safety standards will you need to apply)?
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