I want to use a "60V Max" battery from Greenworks to power a 1500W inverter. The battery uses 15 Li-Ion cells in series so it's voltage under load will be under 60V. However, the no-load, fully charged, voltage will be above 60V. I would like to use an inverter that has a high-voltage cufoff of 60V.
Is there some, relatively simple, way to keep the voltage under 60V to the inverter? The inverter is a Mean Well and I would prefer to stick with a quality brand rather than getting a ~72V max Chinese inverter (which are also not that easy to find). Efficiency doesn't really matter, especially if it's only in effect above 60V.
I've found a buck converter that can handle 720W, but not any that can go to 1500W. The only thing I've come up with is a simple power resistor that is switched in and out with a comparator circuit so it's only in-line when the power switch to the inverter is on and the battery voltage is above 60v.