For the sake of completeness I'm adding one detail, as I now maintain and calibrate 20 I-Con 1. If the pen will not calibrate around 380'C, but has a working sensor, clean the heater body cylinder to bare metal and ensure the flat at the top of the heater element is A. Sanded / Polished Clean, and B. Perpendicular to the element tip.
I've had luck using a belt sander with 1000 grit, and stainless-steel wool. However, keep metal removal as near zero as possible.
Cleaning flux/oxide off the heater barrel has prolonged the life of three elements.
One of our production ladies overdoses the work with flux. Her work is perfect, but all three of her stations had irons that would not calibrate to standard without a cleaning.
Calibration in our case is done with an Omega STS-2X probe, which is a K Thermocouple based device. This is a bit different then most probes as it uses a small cup of molten solder to transfer the heat to the TC. The TC is mounted in a ceramic insulator that takes a long time to cool. in doubt, give a thorough cleaning to the element pins. You cannot remove the socket from the handle, but cleaning the female pins with alcohol and drying with compressed air or nitrogen works wonders.
Mods, I know this is an old thread, but having the info in one place has helped me tremendously.