Test Equipment / Re: How common is this sorting order in scopes and Linux?
« Last post by Whales on Today at 06:54:48 am »It depends. The fancier file managers on Linux do it the human/pretty way but most console tools do it the ascii or UTF-8 value way (capital letters first).
Years back I was fixing a software bug to do with the order some files were loaded in. These files had numbers at the end, like file_1, file_2, and file_10. The code used a Windows function that did "natural sorting" to sort the files first. It worked great on Windows machines, but on Wine (Linux) this function was a stub that sorted things slightly differently. Then we discovered that this function might change its sorting depending on OS locale on Windows too
Years back I was fixing a software bug to do with the order some files were loaded in. These files had numbers at the end, like file_1, file_2, and file_10. The code used a Windows function that did "natural sorting" to sort the files first. It worked great on Windows machines, but on Wine (Linux) this function was a stub that sorted things slightly differently. Then we discovered that this function might change its sorting depending on OS locale on Windows too