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It depends.  The fancier file managers on Linux do it the human/pretty way but most console tools do it the ascii or UTF-8 value way (capital letters first).

Years back I was fixing a software bug to do with the order some files were loaded in.  These files had numbers at the end, like file_1, file_2, and file_10.  The code used a Windows function that did "natural sorting" to sort the files first.  It worked great on Windows machines, but on Wine (Linux) this function was a stub that sorted things slightly differently.  Then we discovered that this function might change its sorting depending on OS locale on Windows too :)

Test Equipment / Re: SDS1104X-U Bugs + Scripts
« Last post by tautech on Today at 06:53:41 am »
You only mentioned you were using a MAC and USB connectivity, is it with NI-VISA connectivity drivers MAC version ?

Not a programmer arse here, just trying to extract all possible pertinent info for Siglent to analyze.
Both are first generation PSU, one is working fine and other needs repair (no standby - oscillation clicks).

Shipping can be done anywhere from Toulouse (France) except some countries.
I'm not sure about the script, but I can take a look 'sometime'. No promises when as I have lots of other projects to do too.

Good to hear the apps work! At least you only need to pull the HDD out once, unless you decide to do a PCMCIA - CD Card adapter swap to remove the possibility of an old HDD failing.
Just be sure to use a FAT formatted 2Gb CF Card, preferably an 'industrial' rated one that can work in IDE mode. I use Transcend TS2GCF133 cards and they work perfectly, both using PCMCIA and 2.5" IDE HDD adapters, depending on your HDD option type.

I am still keeping an eye out for other app versions and missing apps. If any are found let me know and I'll add them to the bundle. :)
Test Equipment / How common is this sorting order in scopes and Linux?
« Last post by eTobey on Today at 06:47:07 am »
My scope sorts the filenames rather unconventional IMHO. (See attachment)

How about yours?

Windows and Ubuntu 18.04 sort like i think it should be sorted (ignoring the letter case).
Repair / Re: Behringer mixer board, flakey power up
« Last post by darkspr1te on Today at 06:46:01 am »
Another thing with these mixers are dry joints, I cannot tell you how many i have repaired where all audio drops because of a primary ground or power rail.


Buy/Sell/Wanted / FS: tektronix TDS500 TDS700 - HDD unit
« Last post by Tantratron on Today at 06:45:48 am »
This HDD in perfect condition was removed from a TDS754C oscilloscope.

Shipping can be done anywhere from Toulouse (France) except some countries.
I suspect tszaboo took that for some obscure quirk of Python. His reply would make sense then. :)
Metrology / Re: New to 3458a
« Last post by TERRA Operative on Today at 06:42:12 am »
That date code indicates it was made on the 109th day of the 4th year of the decade. Depending on the supplier, it's either really fresh or really old. :-DD
Test Equipment / Re: SDS1104X-U Bugs + Scripts
« Last post by sanderb on Today at 06:41:09 am »
Welcome to the forum.

Thanks for the report.
Can I ask of your source of SCPI commands as not all you have mentioned are in the official programming manual:
Thank you. That is the exact document I used.

  • <source>:WF? DAT2 on p263
  • WFSU on p264
  • SCDP on p149
  • <source>:MEAD? PHA on p116
  • <source>:PAVA? ALL on p122
  • MENU? / MENU ON / MENU OFF on p86
  • MEGS? on p130
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