On mine, the sine waveform is no more available, I must use a sine waveform I've stored in an arbitrary slot.
unfortunately, my FY6600 now also looks like the one from the thread starter

. And it all started with not having the sine wave; some additional switch off/on sequences later, all wave forms having sine-like wave forms in the positive disappeared. And a few minutes later it was all gone, display scrambled.
Good luck for your's not going the same path...
Sending back to China for "warranty" for me is not really an option, shipping would be higher than i payed for this; but this i knew before buying.
For me it looks like some sort of "memory corruption" - the logic itself still seems to run, buttons still do 'something', relays are clicking like before...
Startup also shows some sort of humour, presenting "selfinspection completed"...
[edit: just noticed that thread starter has exactly the same "scrambling" on startup screen like me, so it's not "random". And it's also version 3.0... ]