Author Topic: Vintage Weller stations - opinions / tests / tips  (Read 2210 times)

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Offline mt777Topic starter

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Vintage Weller stations - opinions / tests / tips
« on: June 16, 2024, 07:14:08 pm »
I like vintage computing and want use tools for my hobbyist purposes.
Recently acquired a few old Weller machines but I need help to ressurect them to working state. Even with manuals, some configs are confused to me.


Double station with desoldering gun (DS21). Seems works as expected after replacing filters and glass. I wait for new tips to do tests.
Drawback: 50W only

2290637-0 2290629-1 2290633-2


Desoldering station without vacuum. Gun DS80 (not DSX) so tips are the same like for older version.
More power: 80W. Handle is very hot (uncomfortable)

1) What I need as external air source? with reasonable size. I couldn't find photos on web of full set. Every selling unit is without providing air solution... Temporarily I connected as air pressure source to DS701EC
2) Comparing to DS21 gun: diameter hole is much smaller than DS21 (see attachments). So vacuum is worse or maybe it is compensated by stronger external air source?
3) What is difference between DSX80? Are new tips style better (DX serie) than older DS ?

2290641-3 2290645-4 2290649-5 2290677-6


Hot air station. There is reaction for pedal.
I have 2 different guns but don't understand them well.

1) One gun is with DIN ending. So it means no air but what is purpose of it?
2) The second gun is for air source? but don't understand innerside 3pin cable connector?

2290653-7 2290657-8 2290661-9

Also own opinions of these machines are welcome.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2024, 07:25:19 pm by mt777 »

Offline mt777Topic starter

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Re: Vintage Weller stations - opinions / tests / tips
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2024, 02:23:00 pm »

Online Kjelt

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Re: Vintage Weller stations - opinions / tests / tips
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2024, 08:33:11 pm »
1) What I need as external air source? with reasonable size. I couldn't find photos on web of full set. Every selling unit is without providing air solution... Temporarily I connected as air pressure source to DS701EC

What do you mean exactly?
As many Weller desoldering stations they have a venturi element so you need to provide 4 to 8 bar of pneumatic air preferably filtered at 5 um but 40um will do.
I always use the middle so 6 bar which works fine for me.

So you need a compressor , a small low noise one with a pressure regulator and filter, usually they have an euro fast coupling outlet (check) so you also need a euro plug with an output to the pneumatic hose the Weller accepts. On the blue plastick knob on the weller it says 6 or 8 which is the outer diameter of the hose required.
You can buy them anywhere just an example

« Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 08:38:08 pm by Kjelt »

Offline tooki

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Re: Vintage Weller stations - opinions / tests / tips
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2024, 12:28:46 pm »
I like vintage computing and want use tools for my hobbyist purposes.
Recently acquired a few old Weller machines but I need help to ressurect them to working state. Even with manuals, some configs are confused to me.
Did you actually find and read the manuals for all of these? Your questions suggest you might not have. I do recognize that the manuals suck (the AG 701 user manual even has the diagrams of the AG 701 and AG 701-S swapped), but some questions are clearly answered.


Double station with desoldering gun (DS21). Seems works as expected after replacing filters and glass. I wait for new tips to do tests.
Drawback: 50W only

(Attachment Link) (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link)
FYI, the second (left) vacuum port does not have an internal pump, and must be used with an external compressed air supply.


Desoldering station without vacuum. Gun DS80 (not DSX) so tips are the same like for older version.
More power: 80W. Handle is very hot (uncomfortable)

1) What I need as external air source? with reasonable size. I couldn't find photos on web of full set. Every selling unit is without providing air solution...
That's like saying "what do I need as a mains AC source? Every unit I found for sale doesn't appear to include a mains AC solution". What I mean by that is that these are typically used with "shop air" (compressed air distributed throughout a building from a central compressor). Expecting the desoldering station to be sold with an air compressor is like expecting it to be sold with a diesel electricity generator -- not realistic. People who don't have shop air available typically buy a model with a built-in vacuum pump instead.

There are hundreds of air compressor models available. Some have big tanks, some have little ones. Some are quiet, some are loud. Kjelt gave a good overview for you.

2) Comparing to DS21 gun: diameter hole is much smaller than DS21 (see attachments). So vacuum is worse or maybe it is compensated by stronger external air source?
I dunno. Smaller hole at same air volume = higher velocity, which might make up for it.


Hot air station. There is reaction for pedal.

I have 2 different guns but don't understand them well.

1) One gun is with DIN ending. So it means no air but what is purpose of it?
2) The second gun is for air source? but don't understand innerside 3pin cable connector?

(Attachment Link) (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link)
The AG 701 manual clearly shows that it uses the hot air pencil with the black circular connector. (It's not a DIN connector, it is much larger and looks like an Amphenol C16-1.) And the manual also clearly says (in the obviously-written-by-a-German-speaker English typical of Weller manuals of the time) "Care for tight connection as gas will be transported through the plug", meaning that the air goes through the plug. (It looks like they just modified the connector to remove the center pin, leaving a hole that air can pass through. C16-1 connectors are waterproof when mated, so would certainly work for a small amount of air.)

The other hot air pencil with the 3-pin rectangular connector in the middle of a large air connector is not for the AG 701, it appears to be for the AG 700.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2024, 12:31:08 pm by tooki »

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