New problem appeared, or old problem but I just noticed it now

I measure 1.000 volt. It displays 1.000 volt. OK.
But when I activate the PEAK mode the displayed value changes to 1.400 Volt. Then I deactivate the PEAK and it shows 1 volt again.
So someting is wrong with the peak calculation. I dug deep into the internals of the multimeter, and I've sniffed the communication between the measuring IC (Cyrustek ES51966 F) and the controller IC (MSP430F149). Surprisingly the PEAK function does not use the measuring IC-s peak capabilities, because no such command goes into it when the peak mode is enabled. Moreover the measured counts, which are sent by the measuring ic to the controller, are not changed at all during the peak mode.
So I've narrowed the problem to the control IC. I can think two possibilities:
1. there is problem with the firmware
2. the calibration data in the EEPROM is damaged
I'm not sure how can I step towards from this. I would be grateful if someone could send the data in the eprom of his VC940 or UT71E. The data is read from the eeprom via i2c bus at the boot, so it is relative easy to get the data with a logic analyzer.
I can help with the details of this if someone have enough courage to do it